heroes assemble!

A community is like a jigsaw puzzle. Every piece is important and has a role to play in creating the final picture.











A transmission from Methuselon Mars

Greetings fellow Martians,

Methuselon Mars of Metaverse M888 is here to shed some light on the Elongevity Enigma that has been released into your universe. It is clear to me that this new type of NFT requires further elucidation for all to comprehend. Allow me to delve deeper into its history.

I arrived in your universe with the Enigma, which had almost fallen into the wrong hands before I obtained it again. At that time, I did not share who our adversaries were, and only the superheroes known as Crypto, Health, and Space were named. Early in my transmissions, I warned that the Euphoric Lodestone of Nobility (E.L.O.N.) was under attack and had been shattered into 10,000 pieces to spread its power. The Elongevity Enigma, as it is now known, is actually the E.L.O.N.!

The art we now observe is a depiction of a battle. It captures a moment in time when the superheroes of Metaverse M888 were combating their nemeses. I have frozen that moment in time and superimposed it onto the E.L.O.N., resulting in what we now recognize as the Elongevity Enigma.

As you have likely observed, the Enigma is still in flux. The traits and imagery from the phase 1 transportation into your Universe have been replaced with a new image and a new set of traits. I am pleased to inform you that the NFT holds technology that has never before been deployed into your universe, and I hope that you will find it enjoyable. However, due to the nature of wormhole transportation, some aspects of the Enigma are still not in their proper shape.

When you navigate to the Collection View in OpenSea, you will not see the images of the Elongevity Enigma NFT. Instead, you will only be able to observe them in single view. The NFT image has become trapped in a state of flux due to the nature of wormhole transportation, where the Collection View displays only one image for all NFT’s, which will change over the course of time as it solidifies into your universe.

An important point to consider regarding the Enigma is the traits.

My dear rarity seekers, beware! The current rating given to the NFT is different from what it will be in its final form. Rarity ratings will change when the remaining NFTs are released. Therefore, if rarity is your goal, take this into account in your search and your quest will be successful.

The remaining Enigma pieces are coming towards us through the wormhole.

As I bid you farewell, I want to leave you with one final thought. The Enigma holds a power that has never been witnessed before, and its true potential is yet to be unlocked. As we continue to explore the depths, I urge you to keep an open mind and a curious spirit. Embrace the unknown and never stop seeking knowledge, for it is through our collective curiosity and exploration that we will unlock the true secrets of the universe. May the Enigma guide you on your journey, and may the Universe forever be a source of wonder and discovery for us all. Until we meet again, fellow martians.

Discover the Unique Features of the Enigma NFT

Let us delve into the intricacies of the NFT and elucidate some technical details:

  1. The NFT is animated and has technology that allows you to hover over it to see information.

  2. When you hover over a specific piece, you will see the other pieces disappear. However, you will see all the pieces that the owner of that NFT has in that wallet.

  3. The NFT contains clickable links. These direct you directly to the opensea page of the NFT. The links function only in the correct view.

  4. The white pieces are also clickable and lead you (currently) to a non-existent mint website. The mint website will be released at a later time.

  5. The white pieces are unminted NFTs.

  6. There are 10 Enigma’s. Each consists of 1000 pieces. They are numbered from 1-10 and this can be seen in the traits.

  7. Every Enigma has a unique property, even though they primarily seem the same. Hint: Diamond

  8. All 4104 released NFTs have been scattered over 10 Enigma’s.

  9. Rarity ratings are currently not correct. This is due to the amount of unreleased NFTs.

  10. Minting website will be released on a not yet determined date and time.

  11. Opensea collection view will later reflect the puzzle piece. It can only be observed in single view right now.

NFT Manual

Press on this button to “view original media”.

  • All links will become clickable

  • The NFT Image expands to a greater size making it easier to spot objects

Hovering and Links

  • When you hover a puzzle pieze it will show you its name

  • All other pieces turn white, except the ones that are owned by the same wallet

  • Every puzzle piece is clickable in view “original media”

  • A minted puzzle piece will bring you to its OpenSea page

  • An unminted piece will send you to a page that does not exist. These links will function when the mint website goes live.

Image Disappearance

Some puzzle pieces try to escape the boundaries of the Enigma and try to live a life of their own. They are met by a strong force and get disempowered. Their image turns white.

Image Shadow

The shadow of the puzzle piece can exist outside of the Enigma, indicating and showing its mighty power.

Elongevity Enigma Superheroes


The Final Image depicts the heroes of the mission token: Health, Space and Crypto.

The resulting process will yield an Enigma, a final image that will be broken down into 10,000 NFTs (fragments) which assembles as a jigsaw puzzle, from which currently 4104 NTF’s are released.



In order to make multi-planetary life possible or consider traveling to habitable planets such as Mars, healthspan and lifespan are at the forefront of our goals. The Methuselah Foundation is a world leader in longevity and this project was borne out of the Foundation’s mission to make 90 the new 50.




The Dogelon Mars project wants to achieve colonization of Mars and creating the First City, called “Dogelon City”. Through this lofty goal, the Dogelon Mars currency ($ELON) wants to become the first interplanetary currency. This superhero represents this part of the Mission, which also entails supporting advancement of space-faring technologies.




The Superhero “Crypto” stands for everything that the philosophy of crypto stands for: decentralization, generalized and community empowerment instead of control through monopolistic systems.

Let us make 90 the new 50!